Remote training system for the implementation of training programs for new farmers.

Remote training system for the implementation of training programs for new farmers. The project involves creating an education platform for implementing training programs for new farmers by the Greek Agricultural Organization “Dimitra”. This platform allows for two-way audio-visual communication in real time between individuals in different locations, utilizing modern web browsers, smartphones/tablets, and equipment such… Continue reading Remote training system for the implementation of training programs for new farmers.

Upgrading of the GIS platform for electronic issuance of certificates with digital signature and integration with the protocol.

Upgrading of the GIS platform for electronic issuance of certificates with digital signature and integration with the protocol. In collaboration with the Municipality of Pallini, the company developed the online platform, to serve the municipality’s employees and to inform citizens. With the extension of this system, citizens can issue certificates with a digital signature… Continue reading Upgrading of the GIS platform for electronic issuance of certificates with digital signature and integration with the protocol.

Virtual Tour and Self-Guided Experience at the Cultural Center of the Municipality of Eastern Mani

Virtual Tour and Self-Guided Experience at the Cultural Center of the Municipality of Eastern Mani Our company provided the necessary services for the project “Virtual Tour and Self-Guided Experience at the Cultural Center of the Municipality of Eastern Mani (Subproject 2 – 360-degree photo captures and production of a virtual tour for the Cultural Center… Continue reading Virtual Tour and Self-Guided Experience at the Cultural Center of the Municipality of Eastern Mani

Agrowaste supply chains for sustainable growth – aGROWchain

Development of a web application for mapping biomass flows in the municipalities of Amyntaio and Novaci, as part of the European project aGROWchain (CN1-SO 2.2-SC009), under the “INTERREG IPA Cross Border Cooperation Programme CCI 2014 TC 16 I5CB 009.”

Integrated Management Support for Energy efficiency in Mediterranean PUblic buiLdings-IMPULSE

AVMap, in collaboration with the Centre for Renewable Energy Sources & Energy Saving (CRES), developed two online applications for the mapping of municipal building typologies and the automated prioritization of energy upgrade measures for the Municipality of Heraklion, Crete. These applications aim to assist in organizing the Information Management System. The applications were developed within… Continue reading Integrated Management Support for Energy efficiency in Mediterranean PUblic buiLdings-IMPULSE

Agrocos – from Biodiversity to Chemodiversity

The official website for the AgroCos project has been developed.   🌐 Website:   Commissioned by: Consortium of the FP7 European Project AgroCos Year of Implementation: 2010